At the end of fifth grade, the learner will:
Explain the parts of the Mass and the altar server’s role in the Mass
Explain the sacraments and how we share in Jesus’ life when participating
Understand God’s gift of procreation and the reproductive systems of males and females from a Catholic perspective
Have opportunities to live their faith through service projects
Attend Mass with First Grade Buddies
Language Arts
Write a paragraph with a topic sentence and relevant supporting details
Research a topic and write a 1-2 page paper with a bibliography
Prepare and present oral reports using a variety of technology and visual aids
Utilize textbooks and other materials to learn information with note taking emphasized
Participate in book discussion / literature circles and make connections between the text and own experiences
Identify narrative elements of setting, plot, characters, conflict, and resolution
Reading Buddies with First Grade students (meet weekly)
Identify the complete and simple subjects and predicates of sentences
Construct compound and complex sentences
Identify, write, and use proper parts of speech
Compare and order numbers using place value between billion and thousands
Express the same value in various forms including written, standard, and expanded forms
Express parts of a whole as fractions, decimals, and percentages
Perform all operations with decimals
Perform addition and subtraction of unlike fractions and mixed numbers
Be able to read and create line and bar graphs
Solve real-life problems involving measurement and conversion
Use data-analysis to solve real-life problems
Use tools to find angles of figures
Write and interpret mathematical expressions
Find coordinates using ordered pairs in the first quadrant
Use the scientific method in investigations
Explain forces and motion
Explain the solar system, phases of the moon, and demonstrate and explain the seasons
Identify and explain body systems including the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems
Explain the interactions between living organisms and their environment
Explain that their traits are influenced by their genetics and their environment
Be good stewards of all of God’s creation
Social Studies
Identify the branches and levels of government
Place events on a timeline
Explore cultures prior to the 1500s including Native American, European, African, and Asian peoples
Relate events that led to the Revolutionary War and the Bill of Rights
Standardized Testing
NWEA given three times each year to measure progress in Math, Reading, Language Arts, and Science