At the end of first grade, the learner will:
● Quote prayers: Sign of the Cross, Guardian Angel, Prayer before meals, Our Father, Glory Be, and Hail Mary.
Language Arts
● Write in complete sentences using capitals and correct punctuation.
● Use a dictionary
● Summarize and sequence a story using beginning, middle, and end.
● Add details to writing.
● Demonstrate correct formation of letters and numbers.
● Recognize and read basic sight words.
● Read short and long vowel words.
● Understand phonemic awareness segment and blend sounds in words.
● Build oral fluency and comprehension through predicting, asking questions before, during, and after reading, inferring, and retelling.
● Recognize concepts of print.
● Recognize an easy, just right, and challenging text.
● Learn weekly spelling words through word sorts and practice.
● Fluently read 40 words per minute.
Phonics (CR Success)
● Learn the essential skills of phonemic awareness and phonics (consonant digraphs and blends, short and long vowels, common vowel teams).
● Practicing their new phonetic skills by using CR Success Readers.
● Use gestures, chants, and songs to understand the concepts presented.
● Learn to read and spell words with inflectional suffixes.
● Understand words at a basic morphological level.
● Read high-frequency sight words in context. Writing
● Write Personal Narratives with three or more details in sequential order.
● Gather information on a given topic for an Informational writing.
● Use transition words, sequencing, and explicit vocabulary to clearly write a How-To piece.
● Use appropriate evidence and an intro and conclusion sentence in an Opinion essay.
● Write and publish Fictional Stories using the writing process (prewrite, draft, revise, edit, publish).
● Use adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and verbs to write various types of Poetry. Spelling
● Weekly spelling tests will be administered for students to apply phonics concepts learned in CR Success.
● Count to 120 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.
● Demonstrate addition and subtraction fact strategies to 20.
● Create and interpret graphs of information.
● Recognize coins and their values: add coins together to determine total amount.
● Tell time to the hour and half hour.
● Examine numbers to determine place value.
● Estimate and measure objects using standard and nonstandard units.
● Identify geometric shapes. ● Divide shapes into different parts (fractions).
● We will be using the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to discover the following:
○ Both light and sound move in waves.
○ All plants and animals have characteristics that help them to survive, grow, and meet their needs.
○ The sun, moon, and stars, move in predictable patterns.
○ Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.
Social Studies
● Think critically about the following areas of study:
○ Where we live ○ Maps- Using a key to read a map and locate Michigan on the map.
○ Citizenship- What it means to be a good citizen.
○ Families- How they live, grow, and change.
○ Jobs- What is work?
○ History- American long ago
Informal Assessment:
● Observable Active Task (OAT)
● Class projects
● Literacy and math center activities
● Exit tickets
Standardized Testing
● Dibels
Gifted Students
● Students who show consistency in above average understanding in the following subjects will be offered supplemental classwork :
○ Reading/Writing- Novel Studies
○ Spelling- Latin Greek Root Words
○ Math- Challenge Workbook
○ Science- Independent Study