At the end of Kindergarten, the learner will:
Understand that prayer is used to talk with God.
Learn about the life of Jesus.
Recognize and Read Pre-Primer and Primer sight words.
Read Fiction and Nonfiction text with assistance.
Write all Upper- and Lowercase letters.
Use phonics in rhyming, identifying syllables and recognizing consonant and vowel sounds within words.
Draft, edit and publish student created stories.
Speak clearly in general conversation.
Use number sense and place value.
Count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Write numbers from 0 to 30.
Identify common shapes.
Identify greater than, less than or equal to.
Add and subtract within 10.
The learner will be able to explain the following in age appropriate terms:
Position of an object
Push and Pull
Earth materials including rocks, soil, water and gases
Social Studies
The learner will think critically about the follow areas of study:
Past, Present and Future
Directions and positions
U.S. Symbols
American Rights
Goods and Services
Problems and Solutions
Public Good
Standardized Testing